Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anybody our there??????

So it has been a while since my last post. It isn't that I don't have time to is just that I am pretty sure noone really reads our blog. So I will give it one more go. Things are going pretty smoothly here at the Wilke house. Kenadie is now officially four months old already and getting cuter by the minute. I have taken on a new goal in my life. I (well Dan is helping too) am trying to organize our video of the girls and make a DVD of them. THis shouldn't be too hard because we have a MaC and our computer has a great program on creating DVD's. However, I have no clue how it works or where to start. I am going to start computer lessons in the near future. I think I am a little picky with their pictures and videos because when they are older I want them to have something to look back at because I don't have hardly any baby pictures and no video that I have seen. (sorry mom, but I think being the 5th child left me to have hardly any baby pics). So that is my recent undertaking. Also, as usual, I am trying to get caught up on the girls scrapbooks. I am only 4 months that isn't too bad. Molly is doing great in preschool and she is also a great big sister. Sadie is and wil always be our princess. She refuses to wear anything but a dress and she must be in spinning dresses morning, noon, and night. She has her own emotional way of dealing with things, but she is also the sweetest little girl. Abbie is talking non-stop. I really do mean non-stop. She calls for me the minute she wakes up and talks and talks until she goes to sleep at night. If you are on my contact list on my phone, you may have received a few calls from her. She likes to call people (all on her own without me knowing) and talk to them. Usually Daddy and Auntie Dawn get most of the calls. She has even called Uncle Brian and the eye doctor a few times too. Kenadie is rolling all around and seems to get angry when she gets stuck on her tummy. She gets plenty of attention from the older ones and giggles at them a lot. Dan is working hard and is busy right now. And then it is back to me! I don't know if we look crazy to other people because we have our 4 angels...but I hear it from everyone that WE MUST HAVE OUR HANDS FULL. It really isn't that bad and we couldn't be more blessed!

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Kenadie Faith Wilke arrived on October 5, 2006 at 11:33 am weighing 8 pounds and measuring in at 19.5 inches. She came very fast and with much pain. However, she is so sweet and we couldn't be happier to finally get to hold her and kiss her. She is giving us a run already with not sleeping at night and sleeping during the day. Her three older sisters are so proud to hold her and kiss her. (give her a week and she will have a cold too!) As soon as I have time to figure out how to get my pictures posted again, I will post one. Thanks to all who kept us in your prayers... God has truly blessed us and provided for us.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Yes this is the news that we received yesterday at the doctor. The baby is breech-meaning the feet would come out first if I were to deliver. So....if I go into labor while the baby is breech, I will have to have a c-section. YUCK. My doctor may want to try to physically turn the baby in a week if she doesn't move herself. I am not too sure if I want this done or not. It can cause complications with the baby and it is pretty painful from what the doctor says. Let me just say this. When I found out that I was expecting this baby, I woke up in the middle of the night with a feeling that something was going to go very differently with this pregnancy. Of course, I didn't know what it was, but when I found out I had gestational diabetes I thought maybe this was the "different" feeling that I was having. Now could it be that I will have to have a c-section? True, the delivery isn't as painful, but the recovery of having surgery is much more painful than a few minutes of pushing. So we go back on Tuesday to see if she has turned herself or not. As for me, I am going to be doing some research on the "physical" turning that the doctor wants to try, and a lot of praying.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Prepared !?!?!?!?!

SO....I am now 34 weeks along with this pregnancy and this is the time when I had our last daughter. My suitcase is packed, the house is cleaned every day, the sheets have all been washed, the laundry is done and put away every day, the older girls ballet bags are all packed and ready for class, Sadie is potty trained (except poopies), the car seat is in the van. And now we wait. Could she come tomorrow or will I go past my due date? (for my sanity and all that know me....lets pray God lets me go sooner than later). So I seem to be all prepared. Or am I? As I listen to the girls fight over toys and pile one demand on me upon another I really ready to have the demands of a newborn too? I may be physically prepared but I am also aware of how hard it is going to be to have a 3, 2, 1, and a newborn. (did I mention that girls are great at whining and crying?) Anyways, I simply just can't wait. I am ready to handle the challenges of the four girls and am so excitied to meet this new little one. Please pray that she will be healthy and she will be able to come home with us right away. (maybe toss in your prayer too, that I go before my due date). Molly can't wait to hold the baby and asks everyday if today is the day the doctor is going to take the baby out. I made the girls all big sister t-shirts and the baby a little sister onsie. We are ready for you sweet baby and can't wait to meet you! Please come soon!

On a side note. Molly and Sadie are starting ballet class next week. Molly has taken before, but Sadie is new to the sceen. Class really doesn't start until you are three, but the teacher agreed to try her out (she turns 3 in Feb.) THey both got new ballet shoes and everything else they need to be ballarinas. So just an FYI to all that may have a girl...start saving now. Man these classes are expensive and money is tight...but my girls are taking ballet!!!!!! (am I living through my kids..maybe a little)

I haven't been good at updating, and will try to be bettter....until now....we are waiting to welcome baby girl number 4 to the family!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls...

So....we decided to tell everyone that we are having a FOURTH GIRL! We really couldn't be more excited. On Sunday morning, as I was picking out dresses and decided how to do each girls hair, it really hit me. I was meant to have girls. I love nothing more than dresses the girls alike and having them all wait in line to have their hair done. In a few more months, I will have the awesome honor of doing this for four girls. Could I be more blessed? I know many many people were hoping for us to have a boy, however, God has chosen to give us a girl. I am so very very happy that this is another girl. We get so many compliments on our girls and how pretty they are, I just can't wait to have another one! Please continue to keep her in your prayers as the next few months go by. We have yet to decide on a name, and aren't close at all to picking one out. We had a name picked out but have since changed our minds. Molly is stuck on the name blueberry our pickles, and Sadie wants to name her "girl." Hmmm, they have given us some great choices. Any suggestions?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

And the Gender is....

First of all may I start by saying how thrilled we are to be expecting another little bundle of joy. We get the weird looks and the dumb jokes. ("oh you are REALLY gonna have your hands full", "was this planned?", "are you done after this?", and the most often asked one, "what are you having?" Well, may I say this. Yes we have our hands full and we wouldn't want it any other way. Are hands are full of dolls, princesses, hair brushes and clips, but most of all are hands and hearts are full of love for our three little girls. Second of all, yes this was planned. It was prayed about and much wanted and God answered our prayers. Third of all, No we are not done if God sees us fit to have more children! And finally, YES we do know now what the gender of the baby is. We had our ultrasound on Thursday afternoon and the sex of the baby was very clear! Now, in talking to many people, why is the first question always, "what are you having?", instead of ."Is the baby healthy?" Now maybe you haven't had a 20 week ultrasound or it has been a while since you have had to go through it, but there is nothing like waiting for your appointment knowing that in a few minutes your life could drastically change if the doctor can't see something while doing the ultrasound or worse yet, there is something missing in your baby that could be fatal. As I lay on the table, I watch the doctors every move with the Doppler as she is specifically searches for the "key" elements of the baby. (the four chambers in the heart, the bladder, the kidneys, and so on). We finally, after about a half hour, got the okay that everything was looking great for our sweet little baby. Now to a mom-to-be, that is much more important than knowing the gender of the baby. However, Dan and I did want to find out what is we will be having, so we can prepare once again. I knew right away as the doctor was doing the ultrasound and the doctor confirmed it as I asked her. SO, for the two of you that might read this. You will just have to wait and see! Is it a boy or is it a girl? HMMM that is the question? Will we soon be seeing blue in our house, or will pink continue to dominate us?
How awesome would it for us to have a little boy? How awesome would it be to say that we have FOUR daughters (not many people can say that-for sure!) We could not be more happy with the gender of our little baby, and are so thankful that the baby is healthy. So until sometime in late September, or early October....I guess you will have to wait!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Being Content...

At church on Sunday, my Pastor had a really great sermon on being Content with your life and with what you have. Also to look on the positive end of things rather than focusing on the negative. Are you really content with your life? Yeah, someone will always have a bigger house, or more money, but we really have to be thankful with what God has blessed us with. Recently my brother purchased a rather large home. Molly (my three year old) asks all the time why we can move into a house like his. We have been teaching her that we have to be thankful that we even have a house to live in and food to eat. So many people don't have what we have and would be more than happy with what God has given us. Pastor's sermon really hit home with me. I have been bless with three (and one on the way) great loving kids. So many other women struggle with infertility, which we clearly don't have a problem with! Our house is quite tiny...But it is a house and we have made great memories here and many more to come. So I ask you today...Are you really content with your life and what God has given you. Stop being jealous of what other people have and be thankful that you are alive and be happy with what you have. Don't get me wrong, it is very hard to not focus on earning more money or moving"up" in the world...Just try to be happy with the blessing you have.

Ok, Onto other things. In 9 days (yes I am counting), Dan and I can find out if we are going to be blessed with a fourth daughter or our first son. So many people keep asking me if I am hoping for a boy. This is my answer. Yes, we would like to have a boy eventually, but if God chooses to give us a girl, than that is God's plan for us right now. We are NOT done ,God willing, having children, so I am not concerned with the gender. I just pray that the Baby is happy and most of all healthy. We are still up in the air on names and have also decided that we are not going to share the name or gender until he/she arrives. Although, that may be harder for me than for Dan. I might have to tell someone...Maybe you could be that someone!